Companies and Consortiums

In business law, it is essential to have a deep understanding of the execution of procedures, and of all the different tools available. CHEYSSON MARCHADIER & ASSOCIES has continued to develop its longstanding expertise in corporate law in order to assist companies, investors, and managers in developing and carrying out projects. CHEYSSON MARCHADIER & ASSOCIES intervenes in company incorporation and management, in relations between shareholders and investors and in development projects, regardless of the chosen financing method, whether internal or external. The firm has acquired a special expertise in several industry sectors that require a deep understanding of regulations and practices pertaining to the concerned sector, particularly in the field of medical biology, new technologies, real estate, and construction. CHEYSSON MARCHADIER & ASSOCIES possesses a thorough understanding of investment funds practices.

Corporate Law

  • Provide advice and assistance in company incorporation: drafting/modification of statutes, drafting and negotiation of shareholders’ agreements
  • Manage relationships among company members and of shareholders’ agreements
  • Provide advice and assistance in managing disputes: understanding of pre-litigious situations, amicable dispute resolutions, judicial proceedings and arbitration

Merger and Acquisition

  • Provide advice and assistance in all stages of company development, and in negotiation of acquisition and long-term assets (merger, acquisition, absorption, transfer of assets, transfer of shares, etc.)
  • Provide advice and assistance in preliminary stages, from strategic and risk analysis to acquisition due diligence, in order to efficiently carry out contractual proceedings and drafting of agreements: acquisition protocols, asset and liability guarantee

Financing and Guarantees

  • Provide advice and assistance in preparing the financing agreements and in negotiations with banks
  • Provide advice and assistance in preparing the guarantees

Conflicts among Shareholders, Minority Shareholders Rights, Managers’ Liability

  • Provide advice, assistance and representation in litigations pertaining to shareholding (conflicts among shareholders, majority or minority shareholding abuse), managers’ liability or post-procedure litigations (challenged asset and liability guarantee, cancellation of long-term assets operations, etc.)

Association Law

  • CHEYSSON MARCHADIER & ASSOCIES has also gained extensive expertise in association law. The firm can assist associations from their creation to their dissolution, including reconciliation operations.

Foundations, Congregations, Associations

  • CHEYSSON MARCHADIER & ASSOCIES assists foundations, congregations and associations in statutory (legal recognition, merger, liquidation, etc.), and management procedures, and particularly in restructuring procedures of their real estate assets.
  • CHEYSSON MARCHADIER & ASSOCIES is in regular contact with administrative authorities, and acts as an intermediary with public supervisory authorities (prefects, worship offices close to the Ministry of the Interior, foundation offices close to the Ministry of the Interior) in order to obtain transfer or acquisition authorisations as well as financial flow monitoring from these operations.

Joint Institutions, Professional Consortiums

  • CHEYSSON MARCHADIER & ASSOCIES has acquired knowledge in assistance to joint institutions and professional consortiums.
  • CHEYSSON MARCHADIER & ASSOCIES assists professional consortiums in their statutory (merger, liquidation, dissolution) and management operations.